

Hack Instagram Account Using Kali Linux 2020 ! Hack Instagram Passwords


Edit: Use New Version Instead

Hello, My People!

I saw a lot of people asking how to hack an Instagram account, and in this tutorial I will show you how to get it.

I will use Kali Linux, a Linux login program, which is famous for hacking.

If Kali is not installed, you will need to install it. Just go and download the Kali Linux.


Therefore, we will use Brute Force attack method, a system that continues to enter passwords until we find the correct one. I know, the system enters the password over and over again, it will take a long time, it may fail, but it is better than not doing it.

Step 1: Clone It!

First, we will need to find a program that continues to enter the password.

To do so, simply type:

git clone https://github.com/Ethical-H4CK3R/Instagram.git

or Download it Here

this command will install the program on your computer.

Now you need to convert the file and go to the program directory, so type:

Chmod -R 755 Instagram && cd Instagram

Step 2: Executing The Program

Now we created this program, so now we need to open the program.

Type: "ls" to see the contents of the folder.

Yes, we know that there are three things within the folder, "Core", "README.md" and "instagram.py".

The Executable Program here is "instagram.py".

We need to Execute the program now, by typing:

python instagram.py

No, it looks like there are some mistakes!

Doesn't this appear?

This is because we do not have a txt file.

Remember, this is a BruteForce attack, we need to provide you with a list of passwords so that the system knows which password to enter.

Step 3: Get Password List

If you are trying to test whether this works or not, then you can create your own password list and just type your passwords there, but I am trying to find the password for my friend's account.

Don't Miss: How to Hack Online Passwords with THC Hydra & Temper Data

Now, let's find the txt file.

Download the Passwords List for BruteForce"password List".

Search, log in first link.

You will now be on GitHub. Enter passwords.

Select one txt file, I will select a list of 10 million passwords.

The bigger you get, the more likely you are to succeed.

However, it will take up a lot of space ...

Once you have selected one, click on the text file you selected.

It will say: "Sorry, the file is too large, you can view it as green", something like that, then click on "view green".

There will also be a list of passwords.

To save them to your computer, right-click on it, click Save Page as, and save the text file in the Instagram folder.

File must be in Home.

Then click "Save",  the text should be in a folder.

Now we can use it!

Step 4 : Executing it once Again

We just found a text file, so we can continue hacking! Let's do what we did:

open the Terminal, & type:

cd Instagram

Now that we're in the Instagram directory, type "ls" to see what's inside the folder.

Yes, there is a text file in the folder! allow the application to:

python instagram.py Username Thetextfile.txt

(For a better explanation, see the picture)

Now we're done! The BruteForce attack has begun, it will be an effort and what password it is trying to password right now.

It will take a long time.

And Voila. (By The way the username used in the Explanation Pic is not real)

Did It Work?

So, did it work for you guys? It worked for me, comment below if it works or not.

Pros: Easy to use, most beginners can use it

Cons: BruteForce Attack, there is also a chance of failure

(Note :) If the script does not automatically download what we need, then:

install equipment with: pip install mechanize

apply with: pip install requests

install Tor with: sudo apt-get install tor

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